Tonic CEO, Anna Kear to present at PinkNews Ageing Summit 2019


On May 14th, Anna, our CEO, will be speaking at PinkNews’ 1st inaugural Ageing Summit. She’ll be joining our friends from Opening Doors London, Stonewall Housing and Alternative Care Services along with international thought leaders to expand on the critical work being done to improve the lives of older LGBT+ in the UK.

“Ageing populations place strains on the finance, health, care and housing sectors of countries worldwide. In the UK, older LGBT+ people shoulder a disproportionate amount of this burden -- studies show that LGBT+ older people suffer from loneliness and mental health issues more than others, have difficulty being openly LGBT+ in care, and suffer from ill health at greater rates.

Join PinkNews as we examine how housing, healthcare, social care, financial and legal sectors can be more inclusive of older LGBT+ people, and find solutions for some of the most vulnerable members of the LGBT+ community.”

If you’d like to join us there, tickets can be found here.

Tonic Housing