Tonic, Stonewall Housing and Opening Doors - ‘Building Safe Choices 2020’
Tonic, Stonewall Housing and Opening Doors are proud to have teamed up to conduct much-needed research to better understand the housing, care and support requirements of older LGBT+ people in London. The results of this research are found in the Building Safe Choices 2020 report.
With over 620 respondents, the survey was the largest of its kind and carried out in early 2020, closing mid-lockdown. A huge thanks to every person who took the time to take part in the survey and focus groups. All three organisations are committed to continue working together to make sure that LGBT+ affirming housing, care and support becomes available to meet the demand.
Key findings show that respondents want:
housing, care and support services that are safe
policy makers and providers to recognise their diversity and differences
more advice and support around housing and associated services
We hope that with the launch of this report, the voice of demand of older LGBT+ people will be heard, and we’ll see positive change in options available.
With this, we’re sharing five key recommendations for public bodies:
Formally recognise the needs of older LGBT+ people in policy and practice
Co-design a pathway to enable older LGBT+ people to access appropriate services and housing
Commit to developing LGBT+ affirming housing in London
Promote LGBT+ accredited housing and care services
Fund LGBT+ community led services for older people.