Support Tonic to help us do more

Your donation will help us keep connected with people, host more community-led events and activities in the UK’s first LGBTQ+ affirming retirement community, and enable us to look at opportunities for future COMMUNITIES across the UK.

Recurring or one-off donations


Donate via Enthuse:


Donate via Paypal:

Donate via JustGiving:

Rainbow Lottery: buy a £1 ticket to support us as a Good Cause


We've joined Rainbow Lottery, the UK’s first lottery dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ good causes! By signing up and buying a £1 ticket to support Tonic, 50% of each ticket cost comes straight to us to help us continue the work we do, and you could win up to £25,000!

You'll also be helping other LGBTQ+ good causes along the way!

Tonic Housing Association Limited is a Charitable Community Benefit Society registered in England and Wales 8315.

HMRC Charities Reference Number: DZ07614